Got up around 9:30 this morning, and made omelet sandwiches (or in Meg's case, an omelet on top of half an English Muffin) breakfast. We did our normal morning computer stuff, were I found this funny list of phone conversations with stupid tech support people. I felt like
many of these people at times with calls to various ISP's we've had. Most often, I already know what the problem is (service is down), but they make you go through the process of checking everything that any idiot would check before even bothering to see if it is a problem on their end. Meg got involved in taking a Brain Sex ID test (are you male- or female-brained), so we both kinda got lost in what we were doing, and weren't watching the time. When we realized how late it was, we quickly got showered and dressed, because we were going to Kevin and Sophia's Christening, the two baby twins who belong to Stacey, one of Meg's friends from school.
We left for Mantua, which was much easier to get to this time, since we had been there a few weeks ago. They had a very nice party setup with a lot of people, catered with real good Italian food. I ate like a pig, but my main reason for going to any event is to eat, of course. Especially with the way I have been eating lately, it was fun to participate in "recreational eating" as my father-in-law refers to it.
The highlight of the day was the babies, of course. I was never much of a baby person, but always knew that when I had a kid someday, that I would love her, regardless of my previous feelings about babies. Well, I'm getting used to the baby thing, and am starting to find them (especially Kevin, who got the most attention from us) adorable. Sophia was sleeping much of the time I saw her, or she had gotten passed off to someone I didn't know, so I didn't want to ask a stranger if I could hold the baby. The nice thing about twins is that there are two of them, so Meg and I wound up with Kevin. Here are some pictures of the day.
Sophia, sleeping in her carrier.
Meg holding Kevin
Me holding Kevin.
The only 'bad' thing, and I was told that this is pretty standard with babies, is when Kevin spit up. I was bouncing him up and down on my legs, and we seemed to be enjoying it, and he suddenly made this cute burbie noise. I thought the noise was adorable, until I saw the white stuff come out of his mouth. AHH, I didn't know what to do, so I handed him to Meg, who has much more baby knowledge then me. I was afraid I had done something to cause that, but Meg and Stacey said it was normal, and babies just spit up. I guess it's kinda like the way you get used to picking up dog poop. It's gross, but you deal, and after a while, it's just another part of life.
We eventually headed home, because we had to give Max some play time before going to my parents house for dinner. He and I went for a swim, and Meggie took a nap. I fed Max, and then we went to my parents.
Pretty standard dinner there, except my brother got a new toy that is really cool. I've wanted an iPod for some time, but am not a big fan of apple products. I don't like the simplistic interface that seems to be at the core of all of their products. I understand what they're doing--trying to make things simpler for the average user, since computers can be daunting and confusing. I, hwoever, am a geek. And geeks like to have lots of buttons to push, menus to browse, settings to customize, etc. The simple thing doesn't work for me. I almost miss the days of DOS, and writing batch files. I sometimes work in the windows command prompt because I think it is easier (or, in some sick way, more fun) to just type the commands. My other issue with iPod is their refusal to make it compatable with other software. I am not a big fan of iTunes (except for the store part). It's big and clunky, and takes up the whole screen. I prefer WinAmp, or in its absence, Windows Media Player. I wouldn't want to switch to using iTunes as my default player, just because of the iPod.
Well, my brother just bought at Creative Zen Vision: M. It has 30 gigs of memory, can store music, photos, videos, practically anything. It has a sleek look and a clear screen. It's got great battery life, and a rechargable battery too. It's also $300. Way more than I can afford. But let's put it this way... if someone came up to to me and said "Here's $300 for you, but upon taking it, you must adhere to this rule... do NOT save it, do NOT spend it on something practical, but buy something for yourself," it would be my purchase. See the thing is, if I just came across $300, I would say, "Ooooh, savings," rather than buy something. If I did buy it, I would feel guilty that I hadn't saved the money. For example, I have $600 coming my way from the old district for which I used to work for arranging their band field show. Any normal person, would go out and buy something cool for themselves. Not me, it's in our budget this month as savings. And if I did spend it, I would feel bad that I didn't save the money. We really need savings right now. It is going to pay Meg's salary while she is out of school this year. Also, as much as I've tried to plan financially for having a kid, you never know what unexpected expenses come up, and that $300 could make a difference down the way. So, I will do the responsible thing, and not buy it.
Well, enough of me whining, I'm off to bed.
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