Thursday, August 31, 2006

Worksheet Machine!

After blogging, I waited around for the termite people to come, only to discover my oops of the month. I put the appointment on August 31 in my calendar, only to discover that it was ACTUALLY on July 31. If you check that date on this blog, you'll see that I slept till 11:30. Meg said she was downstairs watching TV with the door closed. This usually means we don't hear the doorbell. According to the secretary at the termite place, they came, no one answered, and then they left. So, now it is rescheduled for 9/6.

We had lunch, watched Seinfeld, then went to St. Paul's (our church) to do the closet switch. Basically what happened here was I was asked to move the handbell stuff to a different closet. Reason being the church needed a new place to store the communion dishes and stuff, since they are kept in the altar table, and get banged up anytime anyone moves it. The new closet is downstairs, which I thought originally was going to be a problem. However, it is twice the size as the old closet (good thing, since we barely had room for everything before). I also decided to move rehearsals downstairs, to eliminate having to take our equipment back up once a week for rehearsals. That means we will only have to bring everything up once a month for our Sunday morning performance. This isn't a real big problem, because the elevator is located right down the hall from the closet.

So, I installed the shelves I bought while Meg (carefully) moved equipment into the elevator. Then, we loaded everything into the new closet with plenty of room. This will be a surprise to the bell members when we start at the end of September. Some of the members seem to have this major fear of change, so I know there will be whining, but, it's done now, and it isn't going back. I'm kind of looking forward to the change.

Speaking of changes, I chose my first listening example for my middle school classes... David Bowie's "Changes." A great song, with cool instrumentation, interesting meter changes, and a good meaning. Hopefully the kids will appreciate it.

The rest of my day, aside from grilling some pork chops from dinner, was spent churning out worksheets, lesson plans, and materials for school. I got a TON done tonight, and hope to get some more done tomorrow. I'd like to take it easy Sat, Sun, and Mon, as they are my last three days of summer. Believe it or not, this doesn't bother me. Maybe it just hasn't hit me yet, or maybe, it is because I am actually prepared. Anyway, I was a worksheet machine tonight, and am very proud of the pile of papers in front of me.

Oh, I forgot to mention the poor things we do to our dog for entertainment. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

Max, wearing one of my "paint shirt" ringer tees. Maybe he is getting ready to re-do his crate, or maybe he is going to poop, pick or something. You wouldn't want to ruin a nice shirt.

Aww, isn't that cute, Max and I match!

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