Thursday, August 24, 2006


This will be a short post, as I got up at 4:45 this morning. Basically, after my last post, I spent the day getting school work done, and oddly enough, looking at old sent mail from my freshman year in college. All I can say is I didn't realized how much I have changed and matured. Reading messages that I had sent, it was hard to imagine that I was the author! The rest of college, marriage, 3 years of working in a school, buying two houses, owning a dog, and realizing that I am going to be a father have sure refined the college freshman I read the writing of today.

I also made sauce, which turned out really great this time--one of my best batches in a long time. The only bad part was that I think I overdid the cheese, and what didn't melt into the sauce burnt to the bottom of the pot. It will have to soak overnight.

I also talked with Jane, the choir director at church, and set up our handbell schedule and such for the fall and Christmas seasons.

School work I accomplished today: Welcome letters for all grades, class expectations and grading handouts for elementary & middle, and my own, homemade, rhythm flashcards.

Okay, time for bed.

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