Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ultrasound Day

Woke up feeling much better, because I actually did get to sleep last night!

We had breakfast, then went for our day of ultrasounds. At 11, we had a Fetal ECG scheduled. We were a little nervous, as there was a possibility that Meg might have had diabetes before pregnancy. This means there was a chance that our baby might have a heart condition, so, they scheduled us a a Fetal ECG.

We went in, and had a very nice and talkative male doctor (which was a little weird, since all of the people I have been Meg with have been women). He described our baby's heart as "gorgeous," so she is fine in that way. Whew! He printed out several ultrasound pictures for us, though most look like the one below--graphs and stuff, and up-close pictures of the heart. Don't know what exactly it means, but I do know it means our baby is HEALTHY!

We went out to Friendly's for lunch, where I had a Bacon Cheeseburger and a sundae with cookie dough icecream and peanut butter sauce (yum!). We still had some more time to kill before our next appointment. We browsed the baby section for a while, and bought this caterpillar toy that teaches numbers and colors, and classical music. The best (or most annoying) part about it is that there is this obnoxious woman's voice that sings all of the songs about colors and numbers. It is so sickenly-sweet that it is actually funny and entertaining! We bought the toy, I played with it in the car, and then we went BACK to the hospital for our 2nd ultrasound of the day, the growth scan.

This took 45 minutes and three technicians, because our daughter would not stop moving, but she is developing at a normal rate and all. Below is a picture from THIS ultrasound. It is a profile, her head is on the left, and she is facing the top of the image.

Came home from the ultrasounds--just the walk to the car was unbearable in this 100 degree heat. So, we went right in the pool, which felt more like a jacuzzi. It was still refreshing to be in water, and at least it was cooler than the air. I eventually got the idea to hook a hose up to a garden sprayer, and rig it on the side of the pool, creating a fountain of COLD tap water. It was a fun way to cool off.

I spent the rest of the evening doing the bills, and browsing one of my favorite websites, HowStuffWorks. I ended up going there to find out how ultrasounds work, which lead to an article on how the Doppler effect works, then how radar works, then I made the mistake of clicking on the orange XML button on the bottom of the page, where I discovered there is a feed for the site. Also on the page was an article about how blogs worked (I know how, obviously, but I wanted to see what it said). Then, I added the feed to Thunderbird, and got 12 articles to read: how dogs work, how dishwashers work, how synthehol works, how wi-fi phones work (which lead to how VoIP works)! This tends to happen when I get on this site. If you are inquisitive, and like to know detailed things about stuff, don't log on, unless you've got a lot of time to read article after article!

Okay, it's not midnight yet, but I am going to try to go to bed, gotta start adjusting my sleeping schedule, plus, I gotta get through more of Conviction, it is starting to get really good! Posted by Picasa

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