Sunday, September 24, 2006

Quick Post

First off... the shower was a success. I'll let pictures do the talking, so I am dead tired. Check out our newest Picasa web album:

Baby Shower at Mom and Dad's
Sep 24, 2006 - 44 Photos

Also, the pool issue is being solved. After the shower, Mom and Dad came over to help unload all of the stuff we got. My dad looked at it, and noticed a small hole in the liner, right around where the wall and floor liner meet. We ghetto-patched it with some duct tape, and I ordered a vinyl pool repair kit. I started refilling it, but don't have quite enough water in yet to get the filter to successfully prime, so I am giving up on it tonight. I'll finish filling it tomorrow after-school, and get the filter going again.

Okay, I am dead tired. It has been a long weekend, and I've got another week of school coming up. Thank goodness it is a 3-day weekend coming up!

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