Busy Two Days
I was too tired to blog last night, so I will try to summarize yesterday and today.
The weather was much better these past two days, which put me in a better mood. Yesterday, we had a meeting with a nurse for Meg's GD. We found out that her sugar has been a little high. More on that later.
The rest of the day was spent, of course, with the deck. I made the corrections my dad had suggested, and finished all of the decking. I also installed the pool steps we bought the day before. After having delicious grilled chicken for dinner (you've gotta try those McCormick rubs!), I went to Home Depot, and got what I needed to do the steps. While at Home Depot, I looked into vinyl railings. They are more expensive, but look nicer, and are easier to assemble. I got some prices, and then spent the rest of the evening at home planning out what materials I needed. It is considerably more that wood railings, but Meg and I decided it would be worth the investment.
On to today...
Got up a little earlier, because Meg had her growth scan today. Then, it was a morning at Virtua Hospital, with a lot more bad news than good. I'll start with the good news: the baby is growing normally. In the growth scan, they check several parts of the baby, to make sure they are as big as they should be for 20 weeks. Everything fell in the 19-21 week range, which was perfect. The baby's heartbeat was normal, and he/she was moving like crazy.
Then the bad news...
We were HOPING to find out the sex today. Meg really had her hopes up. I was hopeful, but had prepared to be dissappointed. Of course, the baby did not cooperate, so we didn't find out. Next, we met with the Antenatal doctor, and he discussed the GD. First off, there is a possibility that Meg has always had diabetes. There is no way to tell until after the pregnancy, but just to be sure, Meg has to get another test to check the baby's heart...something else to worry about. Also, Meg was prescribed medicine to control her blood sugar, but it can also cause it to go too low. So now, she was to take precautions to ensure this doesn't happen, including wearing a medic alert bracelet.
I took everything in the way I usually do. I took stock of all of the news, and tried to find the positive. First off, we have other opportunities to potentially find the sex of the baby. If they fail, we will definitely find out in November when it comes out. I'd LOVE to find out sooner, but it won't be the end of the world. Regarding Meg having diabetes, obviously, I can't say I feel for her, because I don't have it. But I know that lots of people have it, and lead normal lives. Regarding the heart test, that does worry me, but there is only a possibility that there is a problem. Why spend the time worrying if there is not a problem. In other words, emotionally, I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Meg was very, and understandibly, upset by all of this. I tried too hard to comfort her, my Mars kicked in, and ended up critizing her for being upset about these things. I always do that. It is my way of trying to solve someone else's problems. I need to learn to listen better, and situations like this always remind me of this after the fact. Later on, Meg did start to look at the positive aspects of the day. Next time, I need to shut up and listen, and be there for her, because I know that if she gets all of the emotions out, she will eventually feel better.
So anyway, an emotionally draining morning. But, we did get a very good ultrasound picture out of the experience. Below you can see one of the pictures. The baby is on her (I decided on odd days, it is a her, and on even days it is a he) back, and we are seeing the side. Her head is on the right side of the picture.
After lunch, it was back to the deck. I fixed the broken block from the other day, and installed the steps going up to the deck. This took a relatively short time, which was nice, because Meg, Max, and I actually got to USE the damn thing. Meg and I did laps in the pool, and sat on the deck and relaxed for a while. Later on, we let Max go in. He had some trouble figuring out how to get in from the side (he's not that bright), but he eventually got the hang of it. Below are two pictures, one where you can see our new pool steps, and another of the deck completed so far.
After swimming, we took a ride over to my parents. We had to switch cars, because I need to use their van to get the railings, so I can install them tomorrow. My parents took us out to dinner at their local diner, the Starview Diner. I had a cheesesteak, Meg had fish. We thanked my dad, and then hung out at paradise, aka, their backyard (I've been meaning to post pictures, but keep forgetting to take my camera over there), till about 11. Dad and I talked through installing the railings, and I am more nervous about it. I just want to have it done! Meg says I am obsessed, and she is probably right, but I fear the unknown, and want to get this done, so I know how to do it. Tomorrow, I would like to get up early and get grocery shopping done with. Then, I can go to Home Depot, get what I need, and hopefully, have these railings (and the deck), finished by the end of the day! A lofty goal, I will admit, but it would be nice.
Off to bed. I am going to read a few more chapters of my current book, The Summons, but John Grisham. Then, another busy day tomorrow.
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