It's a Girl!
So, we had our big ultrasound today, and the results are in... it's a girl! The proof is in the picture below. The arrow is pointing to the female 'parts.'
It was a surprise for me, because I did really think it was a boy. I am happy, of course, since it really doesn't matter, although a little bit nervous, because I am not quite sure what to do with a a girl. Everyone has told me what to do... spoil her, which I am sure I will! :-) So, now we can stop calling her "it." The name is still secret though. You'll have to wait until November to find that out! Below is another picture of her, on her side, facing up, head to the left.
She's healthy and growing at the correct rate. We have to have some more pictures taken next time, because she did not cooperate and wouldn't show her spine, umbilical chord, or heart. I also got to meet the doctor that delivered me, since he is who we saw after the u/s. I bet I made him feel old.
After the Ultrasound, we stopped at my parents to deliver the good news to my mom and Laura who were home. We hung out there for a while, came back home, and began to clean the house top-to-bottom. About 6 or so, my Mommom and Poppop got here. We had chicken for dinner (more McCormick rub stuff), and pie for dessert, and sat around and talked. They were very impressed with dinner and our house. Max wasn't too bad, we just had to keep him busy with a stuffed Kong and other treats.
Well, I am very tired, and I still have to do another coat of joint compound on those holes I had to patch.
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